Sri Lanka Call FAQ.

4:57 AM 2/5/2025

calls to Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Call FAQ and Tips.

Sri Lanka Mobile Phone Call Rates.
Srilanka call rates were increased according to the Sri Lanka Government's Economic Recovery Plan
All the mobile phone plans and mobile data plan prices had been increased by 20% along with added new VAT by all the carriers.
By April 2025, new tariff prices are expected after the new Government's budget in the parliament.

Cheap calls to Sri Lanka.

If you and the caller have Internet facility and Smartphone then both can make free calls through WhatsApp like IM Apps using your Mobile data plan. If you only have internet then buy call credit from any of the VoIP service providing Company to call other party at low price. To make cheap phone calls to Sri Lanka use a VoIP accounts, IM or Call Apps. VoIP companies provide cheaper phone calls to Sri Lanka. It is cheap to make calls on Sundays, Holidays and Poya days from Sri Lanka to land lines in Sri Lanka and overseas phones..

Ask your friends and relatives to become as a member in WhatsApp or any other IM programs similar to that. You too become as a member in that program and can make free calls with the other party by using your Mobile Data Plan, if both parties are online and had other person as contact. The call will be placed through Wi-Fi or through your mobile data plan..

Best time to call Sri Lanka.
9.00 pm to 5.00 am on week days is the good time for to make calls through SLT land line and through some of the mobile phone carriers. Sundays, Poya days and public holidays will allow you to make cheap calls from Sri Lanka between 00.00 am to 24.00 pm

What is cheap way to call Sri Lanka? Land lines or mobile phones?
Calls to land line to land line calls is the cheaper one than the mobile phone to land line calls.. With mobile phone data plan in a Smartphone, it may be cheaper. Nearly all the people have mobile data plan for their mobile phone account in Sri Lanka. So the calls through IM Apps will give cheaper calls.

Q: Want to make business calls to Sri Lanka?
Government offices can accept your calls from 8.00AM till 17.00PM. (Except Saturday, Sunday, Poya Days and Sri Lanka Government Holidays)
Private offices used to open 9.00 AM till 17.00 PM. 10.00AM to 15.00 is good for business calling here.

Q: What is the use of PIN in the mobile phone?
The PIN (Personal Identification Number) is associated to your SIM card as a security feature. If you had activated your PIN using your mobile phone can prevent your mobile phone number being used by others if it is lost or stolen. Some phone has PIN and Pin 2 too. You can activate this or change it by going in to your mobile phone's security feature.

I am leaving Sri Lanka. Can I provide my SIM card to another person?
No, it is illegal as the phone number is registered under your name. Any wrong doing done by using your SIM card will be counted on you.
So dispose it properly or return it to the carrier office.

Downloading a new App.

Before to start downloading a new App, check if there is any daily payment is needed to be paid. Some Apps may deduct Rs 29/- per day from your mobile phone account. Some Apps start to monitor your activities and this will make advertisements from 3rd part companies.

Some Important facts regarding your mobile connection in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka Government allows a person to have maximum of 5 SIM cards ONLY from each mobile phone carrier under his name and NIC.
Tourists are allowed to have Tourist SIM with one month validity, later its validity can be extended, if it is necessary..
If you are going abroad, then contact your carrier to make your phone to auto go on auto Roaming mode in any country that you are going to visit.
Never call back any calls that have originated from unknown person. It may be a hoax call to drain your account money.
No Mobile phone directory for the mobile phone users in Sri Lanka. So don't look for it.
Never use your cell phone while there is lightning and thunder occurring. The lighting may attack your Mobile phone and it can cause injuries to you.
Don't use your cell phone to call or play music while charging, as some cheap models can catch fire.
Don't open any attachment files or videos, if the sender didn't inform you about it.
Never use free Wi-Fi as hackers can implement tracking codes in your Smartphone without your knowledge.

How many Mobile phone carriers are there in Sri Lanka?
There are 4 carriers. Namely Dialog, SLTMobitel, Hutch, and Airtel.



A Note to you

Public holidays, Sundays and Poya days are the best time to make low priced calls to any part of the world from Sri Lanka through out the day and night.

International country code of Sri Lanka is +94 or 0094.