Call Sri Lanka.

12:11 PM 1/18/2025

Call Sri Lanka mobile phone by dialing 0094 or +94 followed by the mobile phone number without zero of the mobile phone number. For example 0094 777123456. To call a Srilanka land line or CDMA phone dial 0094 or +94 first then dial the city code followed by the subscribers' phone number (CDMA Had lost its popularity here). This simple dialing process will apply to the Softphone calls too. To make a foreign call from here, first dial 00 followed by country’s IDD code, city code and the phone number. Calling within same carrier is cheaper while calling another carrier is little expensive within the country. Visiting Business men and Tourists can buy Sri Lanka tourist SIM packages at the Colombo Airport by providing their Passport. Their Smartphone should be unlocked from their home country carrier or they should get / buy another unlocked Smartphone.

2025 Notice.

TRCSL, Sri Lanka is Going to Implement IMEI Registration.

When buying New Mobile phone, Buy Only TRCSL Registered IMEI Enabled Devices.
As per Non Registered IMEI enabled devices will not be activated in the Mobile phone Carrier's Network in the Future.

This will not applicable to IMEIenabled Devices connected to Telecommunication Operator's Networks before 28/01/2025.
Tocheck send SMS to 1909. Type SMS as IMEI <pace> <15 Digit IMEI Number>
For more information call 1900.

In addition, mobile phones that are gifted to people from their relatives or friends in Sri Lanka will face trouble after this date. Sri Lanka carriers will not provide SIM cards for them if their phone's IMEI number is registered with the TRCSL.

Telecommunication Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka (TRCSL) has denied on reports that are circulating on social media about price increase in service charges by phone carriers for their packages. The prices remains as the same. In addition that the phones that don't have IMEI numbers will be disconnected by the Sri Lanka Carriers as per the TRCSL Reports.

The newly elected Sri Lanka Government is now going to submit its Budget for the coming years in the parliament.
The Smartphone users are looking for price reduction in Smartphone sales, call minute price and reduction of the Mobile data plan price. Let's wait and see what the Budget will give for the general public in Sri Lanka.

In the USA lot of youngsters had left their Smartphones and are changing to the latest foldable phone devices. This is to make their life more simple and to increase their productivity. Because of this most of them are feeling the Smartphones and the social media Apps are consuming their lives for nothing. New flip phone cost around US$ 20 up to US$ 2,000 in the USA.

Furthermore, in Sri Lanka, is providing only 4G connectivity to their customers. Alredy they had discontinued the 3G connectivity service.

Sri Lanka people to depend on their phones to do business, Banking and purchasing rather than traveling to those place.
Already Rs 1,025/- packages make them to have enough calling minutes to any Network and Mobile Data plan to surf and to make calls.

Lot of Homes in Sri Lanka are fitting their own survilance camers that can be controlled through their Smartphones and they can view the surrounding area through this CCTV cameras. Also they will alert if someone is looking in to the CCTV Camera and in addition it will take a photo of that person too.

Sri Lanka IDD Number: 0094 / +94

SLT Hotline: 1212
Dialog Hotline: 1777
Mobitel Hotline: 141 or 1717
Hutch Hotline: 1788
Airtel Hotline: 555

Sri Lanka Mobile Phone Service Providers.

Providers: Dialog, Mobitel, Airtel and Hutch
Available Networks: 4G and 5G. (4G is the one widely available.)
Video calls available through 4G and above Networks.
Time to make Business Calls: 10:00 AM to 16:00 PM (GMT 04:30 AM to 10:30 AM)
Discounted calls from Sri Lanka: On Sundays, Holidays and Poya days. (Also off peak hours)
International IDD phone code: Sri Lanka +94 or 0094.

Sri Lanka Population - 22 million. In 2019 around 32.0 Million mobile phones (including Smartphones) were being used in Sri Lanka. In addition, in 2023 it came down to 27.9 Million. Moreoverv there are nearly 1,451,982 registered internet users in Sri Lanka.More over there are27,980,000 (2023) Land phones are being connected through wires.

Fibre Connections For Apartments and High-Rise Buildings.

The latest Fibre Internet Connection will provide the following things.
Ultrafast Internet connection up to 1Gbps.
3 Cable TV connection per Apartment from a single connection.
Superior connection under the High Rise building Connectivity.

call lanka

Sri Lanka SIM Cards.

Find a Sri Lanka person?

A Note to you

Public holidays, Sundays and Poya days are the best time to make low priced calls to any part of the world from Sri Lanka through out the day and night.

International country code of Sri Lanka is +94 or 0094.